Saturday, 31 May 2014

What is your job, Constable Porima?

We had a surprise visitor on Wednesday morning.  Constable Porima was working at Vardon School because some computers had been stolen, and he came to tell us about his job!

Monday, 19 May 2014

Spinning Snake

We had fun making a spinning snake after we read our book today.
We knew what to do because we read the instructions.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Learning to use Pic Collage

Some of the children have learnt to use an app called Pic Collage to share their work.  I don't think these collages show you what we are learning.... but the children had fun taking the photos and posing for them too!  Next time they will be sharing their work!

Making Rectangles

Gymnastics lesson

On Friday morning, each of the Year 2 team classes had a gymnastics lesson with Dianne and Haidee.  We learnt about  rotating and we did some forward rolls. Then we learnt about landing with our knees bent and our arms in front of us so that we can balance.  We were very good listeners so we learnt a lot. It was a lot of fun too!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


We are learning about shapes.

In maths we are learning the names of shapes and how many sides and corners they have. On the computer, we chose shapes that we liked and put them on the page in a way that we thought looked good.  We chose the colours that would look good too.  What do you think?