Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Molly, Brooklyn and Bradlee

Molly's talk today was another interesting speech for Room 2 to listen too. It was about her hobby, which is drawing. She brought some examples of what she has drawn. They were a set of animal drawings which she didn't have to trace! Molly can also draw other things as well. Thank you for your speech Molly. I have noticed that you love drawing before school in the mornings. It is a great hobby to have.

I like the way you talked about your pictures and had little prompt cards!

Bradlee's talk was about .... 


He shared some facts about spiders and his dad drew a spider for him. Bradlee had all his notes ready to read and he was very organised. He used the magnets to keep his picture up on the board and he spoke clearly so the children could hear him. Great talk Bradlee. 

Brooklyn was very excited about his speech. He showed the audience what he makes at home with his Lego. He told us the names of some of the pieces he has and told us that you can get Batman Lego! Brooklyn also showed us how to put the pieces together! Very impressive Brooklyn. We could hear what you were saying and you looked at the audience. Well done!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tuesday speeches!

Today was April's turn! 
April talked to us about the Pink Ribbon Ride. She shared information about  the bike ride, and her grandparents who take part in it. April's Grandma has pink fairy wings that she wore! An interesting report April.

 Te Rangimarie is quite new to our class. She was a bit shy when she started but she soon found that Room 2 are a very polite audience. They were very interested in how Te Rangimarie had been in the Christchurch earthquakes. It sounded scary so we are glad she is living up here now. Thanks for sharing Te Rangimarie!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Tui Group Reading

After Tui group had finished their reading they used the iPad to show how to write clues for hide and seek.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Buddy Day

Room 14 and some children from Room 2 are working together to create a buddy for Buddy Day.
They have to choose a profile for the buddy which tells everyone the buddy's name and what he or she likes to do. We haven't finished them yet but they will be ready to go and spend a day at a local business soon!

Friday Class Reporters

Kobe was the first reporter on Friday and he told us about his Xbox. He showed us photos and explained how it works. Kobe's speech was very informative and he spoke clearly and remembered to look at the audience .
Jasmine was the next reporter and she talked about Hello Kitty.  Her Hello Kitty book had many photos in it that Jasmine talked about and then right at the end, she showed us her own Hello Kitty!
Jasmine made us laugh at the end because she was talking in a funny voice!  Her speech was interesting and she looked at the audience a lot!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Class Reporters!

The year 2 team are having class reporters for the next two weeks. Everyone has a turn at choosing what they will talk about. The talk or speech is for about 2 minutes and the rest of the class are listening carefully

Eva spoke first about the Kids Challenge that she competed in. Great speech Eva - you used expression and spoke clearly.
Your speech explained what children can expect if they enter the race!
Our next speaker was Max, who told us some very interesting facts about the planets and he even had some model planets to show us. You spoke very well on your topic, Max.

Daniels was our third speaker today and he shared a bird's nest that he found a while ago. Daniels was able to share where he found it and what it's made of. He spoke clearly and looked at the audience, which is not that easy to do!