Saturday, 28 June 2014

Courtroom Drama in Room 2

Room 2 had fun pretending that we worked in a courtroom.  There had been an accident when a girl backed out of a driveway without looking where she was going.  Unfortunately she crashed into a boy who was driving along the footpath. We wondered who the jury would think had been doing the wrong thing!  Do you think they came to the right decision?

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Spelling with Hoiho

Hoiho reading group were practising spelling words with play dough today. 
First they had to roll a long play dough snake and then form it into the letters they need. Fun spelling girls!

Sophie's words

Jasmine's words

Zeita-Maree's words
Shamille's words

News and learning!

Cooper has had a karate test this week. He will find out next week how good his karate was! 

Ake has made a very colourful necklace out of the beads. She has used round beads and cube shaped beads. It looks pretty Ake!

In their spare time, these boys made Stars Wars things out of the fish maths equipment. They were being resourceful because I don't think that real Star Wars things are made from fish???

Karearea Reading Task

The children in Karearea reading group worked independently on the iPads to do a character study.  First they read the book "Bend, Stretch and Leap" and identified Tommy as the main character.  Then they put the information they could find about Tommy onto a Pic Collage. They found a picture of Tommy in the book and snipped around it so that he was the only one in the photo. Very clever!

Some of the information has gone behind the heart - oh no!
I like the photo you chose of Tommy. Good work!

Your information looks great, Molly. You found out a lot about Tommy. Maybe you could have labelled the picture of Jessica so we know who she is?

Good work boys - You found some facts about what Tommy likes! You can practise changing the size of words so that important words are the biggest.  Maybe the title could have been bigger?
Emily, I like the creative way you have placed your information about Tommy. Great work! Maybe you could add a title for your work.  

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Today was our day to work on the computers in the computer suite and we had to practise our spelling. There are not enough computers for everyone so some people had to practise on the tablet and ipads.  Look at what we did.
Danika's spelling
Cooper's spelling
Zayne's spelling
Brooklyn's spelling
Have a look on our spelling page and see how many hidden letters you can find!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Learning to play soccer

Dianne from Project Energise came to school to teach us some soccer skills. We played some fun games to practise what we had learnt.

Another job to learn about!

We had a visit from Max's dad and he talked about his job. He can draw cartoons and he even did cartoons for a tv programme called "Bro Town".
We watched him draw and then we had a try. We were pretty good but you have to be able to draw the same picture lots and lots of times!

Monday, 9 June 2014

A scary spider!

We have been practising writing our story straight on to the iPad. We know that there are some spelling mistakes but we had to save our work as a photo! We hope you can still understand what we wanted to say.